Category: New Moms


Zoie Health Supplements: Introducing the Girls

By Ammarah Seedat Choose your fighter! At Zoie Health, we’re dedicated to empowering women with the health and wellness support they need to live their best lives. Our meticulously formulated supplements support you in each unique stage of womanhood – from fertility and pregnancy to new motherhood and menopause. Our comprehensive range is crafted to support you throughout your wellness journey as a woman, regardless of where you are in your healthcare journey. Let’s do a quick run-through of each of the products in the range and their benefits. 3-in-1 Multivitamin Zoie Health’s 3-in-1 Multivitamin is designed for women trying to conceive, pregnant women, and new mothers, offering enhanced fertility and pregnancy support with ingredients like folic acid, inositol, and vitamin D3, which are essential for neural tube development and insulin sensitivity. It provides comprehensive nutritional support with vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, and B-vitamins, crucial for energy metabolism and immune function. Omega-3 fatty acids, choline, and iodine promote foetal brain development, while iron helps prevent anaemia. Additionally, Moringa leaf extract offers antioxidants and natural energy, supporting overall well-being and lactation. Hormone Harmony Hormone Harmony is crafted to support hormone balance, reproductive health, and menstrual cycle regulation. Key ingredients like Vitex, Maca Root, and Dong Quai help regulate menstrual cycles, alleviate PMS symptoms, and support overall hormonal balance. Vitamin D, magnesium, and selenium further enhance hormone regulation, while adaptogenic herbs like Reishi and Ashwagandha reduce stress and promote well-being. This supplement supports the synthesis and metabolism of hormones, contributing to better emotional and physical health. Cycle Calm CycleCalm provides relief from PMS symptoms with ingredients like calcium carbonate and magnesium, which help manage cramps and bloating. Vitex Angus Castus and L-Theanine support hormonal balance and reduce anxiety, while Vitamin B6 and Vitamin D alleviate mood swings and irritability. This supplement supports hormonal balance, provides mood and emotional support, reduces PMS-related anxiety, and relieves physical discomfort from cramps and muscle aches. Women Wonder WomenWonder is a comprehensive multivitamin supplement that boosts energy, supports metabolic regulation, enhances immune function, and promotes skin and heart health. With a blend of essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, C, D, E, and B-complex, as well as iron, iodine, zinc, and chromium, it addresses various health needs, from maintaining healthy vision and skin to supporting cognitive function and energy levels, ensuring overall well-being. Energy Essence EnergyEssence is formulated to reduce fatigue and boost energy levels with ingredients like caffeine, Vitamin B12, and CoQ10, which provide immediate and sustained energy. Magnesium and creatine support muscle function and recovery, while Damiana and Ashwagandha enhance overall vitality by reducing stress. This supplement ensures reduced fatigue, boosted energy, improved muscle function, and increased alertness. Bye, Bye Bloat Bye, Bye Bloat promotes digestive health with a blend of probiotics, resveratrol, turmeric, and peppermint oil. These ingredients help alleviate bloating, reduce inflammation, and support gut health, making it an ideal choice for those dealing with digestive discomfort. This supplement supports a healthy gut flora, provides anti-inflammatory benefits, promotes digestive health, and prevents bloating. Golden Girl Golden Girl is designed for menopausal women, helping to reduce hot flashes, enhance libido, and improve mood and sleep. Isoflavones, ginseng, and calcium support bone health and regulate blood pressure, while Red Clover and Black Cohosh alleviate menopause symptoms. This supplement ensures reduced frequency of hot flashes, enhanced libido, increased bone health, and improved mood and sleep, supporting women through menopause. Libido Lift Libido Lift is designed to enhance sexual desire and satisfaction, featuring Ashwagandha and Maca Root to balance hormones and increase blood flow to the genital area, improving sexual function and arousal. L-Arginine and Damiana further enhance sensitivity and reduce vaginal dryness, while stress-reducing properties of Ashwagandha and Saffron create a relaxed mental state, crucial for sexual enjoyment. This supplement ensures improved female sexual function and overall satisfaction. PCOS Pro PCOS Pro is tailored for women with PCOS, featuring ingredients like Myo-inositol and D-Chiro Inositol to improve insulin sensitivity and restore ovarian activity. Magnesium and Omega-3 support metabolic health and reduce inflammation, while Vitamin D3 and marula promote fertility and overall well-being. This supplement aids in metabolic regulation, boosts glucose metabolism, enhances fertility, and improves energy levels, making it an essential support for women with PCOS. Waistline Wonder Waistline Wonder aids in weight management by increasing metabolism and regulating blood sugar levels. Ingredients like collagen, Vitamin C, and green tea extract help curb appetite and cravings, while glucomannan and chromium support gut health and lower cholesterol levels. This supplement is designed to increase metabolism, regulate blood sugar, curb appetite, and lower cholesterol, making it an effective aid for weight management. Glow Girl Collagen Glow Girl Collagen enhances beauty from within with collagen, biotin, and hyaluronic acid to improve skin firmness, hair growth, and nail strength. Antioxidants like Vitamin C and E protect against ageing, while PABA helps maintain hair colour and protect skin from UV damage. This supplement promotes a youthful appearance, healthier hair, stronger nails, and rejuvenated skin, ensuring overall beauty and wellness. All Zoie Health Supplements At Zoie Health, we believe that your well-being extends beyond nutrition. Our supplements are made from natural ingredients, are sugar-free, and are formulated by women for women, with a team of doctors, pharmacists, and dietitians. As part of our commitment to supporting you through your women’s health journey, we are excited to offer something extra special – free access to the Zoie Health community. This vibrant and supportive space allows you to connect with a team of health experts, including doctors, nutritionists, and mental wellness specialists, who are ready to provide personalised support and guidance throughout your womanhood journey. More Than Just a Supplement At our core, we believe that every woman deserves access & support. That’s why, with each purchase of any of our supplements, we pledge to donate a portion of the proceeds to women’s NGOs that advocate for gender-based violence survivors, human trafficking survivors, and provide access to menstruation products for underprivileged girls. When you choose our supplement, you’re

Developmental milestones

Exploring Developmental Milestones for Children and Kids

Understanding your child’s developmental milestones is a crucial aspect of parenting. These milestones are the skills and abilities that most children can do by a certain age, such as taking their first step, smiling for the first time, or waving “bye-bye.” Children reach developmental milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act, and move, offering important clues about their developmental health. Why Developmental Milestones Matter? Reaching developmental milestones at typical ages indicates that a child is developing as expected. If a child reaches developmental milestones much earlier, it may suggest they are advanced compared to their peers. Conversely, not reaching developmental milestones or reaching them much later than children of the same age can be an early sign of developmental delays. These delays might indicate a need for extra support and services to help the child reach their full potential. Key Domains of Development: Developmental milestones are categorised into several domains: Social/Emotional:This domain involves how children interact with others and show emotions. Examples include smiling at people, playing with others, and showing empathy. Language/Communication:This domain covers how children express their needs, share their thoughts, and understand what is said to them. Milestones include babbling, saying their first words, and following simple directions. Cognitive (Learning, Thinking, Problem-Solving):This domain focuses on how children learn new things and solve problems. It includes activities like exploring the environment, recognising objects, and understanding cause and effect. Movement/Physical Development:This domain encompasses how children use their bodies. Milestones include sitting up, crawling, walking, and developing fine motor skills like grasping objects. Overlapping Developmental Milestones: Some developmental milestones fit into more than one domain. For instance, pretending to be something else during play can be both a social/emotional and cognitive milestone. Similarly, following directions can be a language/communication and cognitive milestone. Monitoring Your Child’s Developmental Milestones: Tracking developmental milestones is essential to understand a child’s development and behaviour. By observing and noting these milestones, parents and caregivers can determine whether a child’s development is on track. Developmental progress is not always steady and can be influenced by significant life events, such as the birth of a sibling. Monitoring milestones over time provides a better basis to judge if there is a cause for concern. Typical Developmental Milestones at Different Ages: Birth to 18 Months: 18 Months to 2 Years: 3 to 5 Years: School Age (6-17 Years): What to Do if You Have Concerns About Developmental Milestones: If you’re concerned about your child’s developmental milestones, talk to a healthcare professional. Doctors can screen for developmental delays using validated tools and provide referrals to specialists if needed. Early intervention is crucial for addressing developmental issues effectively. Conclusion Every child grows and develops at their own pace. Understanding and tracking developmental milestones can help ensure that children are developing healthily and can guide parents in providing the support their child needs. Strong parent-child bonds, good nutrition, adequate sleep, and a nurturing environment at home and school will help children thrive. About Zoie Health Zoie Health is at the forefront of women’s wellness, offering quality, affordable, and accessible supplements tailored to the unique health needs of women. With a focus on synergy, Zoie Health’s products are designed to work together, providing your body with the comprehensive support it needs to thrive. With our online Zoie Shop and Pharmacy, our unique virtual consultations, and vast communities of women, we strive to provide good quality healthcare to underserved populations. Sources: CHOC, Child Mind Institute


From Bumps to Joys: A New Mom’s Guide to Embracing Motherhood

Introduction Hello, Zoie Moms! Embracing motherhood is like diving into a unique story where you’re both the author and the protagonist—an intensely beautiful experience that reshapes your world in significant ways. At Zoie Health, we understand the complexities and joys of motherhood. We’re here to offer insights and support to help you navigate this remarkable chapter with confidence and grace. Understanding the Transformation of Motherhood Motherhood is not just about nurturing a new life; it’s a profound transformation that affects your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Think of it as stepping onto a new stage where you play the most vital role. Embrace the changes that motherhood brings with an open heart, and remember, you’re part of a community that’s journeying with you. Finding Joy Amidst Challenges Yes, the coos and cuddles are delightful, but motherhood also introduces sleepless nights and exhausting mornings. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed. What’s important is to recognize that each challenging moment in motherhood is often paired with unforgettable joys, like your baby’s spontaneous smiles or giggles, making all the challenges worthwhile. The Power of Support In your motherhood journey, seeking help is not just acceptable; it’s essential. Whether turning to friends, family, or a community of fellow moms, support is diverse and vital. At Zoie Health, we foster a community where you can share experiences, seek advice, and find support effortlessly. Prioritising Your Well-being Your postpartum recovery and overall health are paramount. We encourage a balanced approach to nutrition and exercise, specifically tailored to support your recovery in motherhood. Activities like yoga, walking, and mindful stretching can significantly benefit your well-being. Taking a few moments to practice some self care can help you feel like yourself, especially on those tough days. Emotional Wellness in Motherhood Managing emotional fluctuations is a crucial aspect of motherhood, especially with post-birth hormonal changes. It’s perfectly okay to have ups and downs. Establishing a routine can help stabilise your life amidst the new chaos that motherhood may bring. Chatting to other mothers who have been through the same thing you are experiencing always helps to reassure yourself that you aren’t alone. Bonding with Your Baby Motherhood deepens your connection with your baby through skin-to-skin contact, responsive feeding, and baby massages. These bonding techniques enhance your baby’s security and well-being and are foundational to their development. Cultivating a Support Network Creating a network with other mothers is empowering. Whether through Zoie Health’s forums or local mom groups, sharing your motherhood experiences can provide valuable insights and mutual learning. Self-Care is Essential In motherhood, self-care is crucial for maintaining your identity and emotional health. Engaging in hobbies, exercise, or simply enjoying quiet moments are vital for your well-being and, by extension, beneficial for your baby. Celebrating Every Success In the daily hustle of motherhood, celebrate every small victory. Each day may bring challenges, but it also brings successes—acknowledge and celebrate these, no matter how small. Conclusion Motherhood is uniquely rewarding and challenging, and at Zoie Health, we honour this diversity. Embrace your motherhood journey, knowing you are capable and supported. Let’s cherish each moment, uplift each other, and grow together in this beautiful adventure of motherhood. Here’s to you, incredible Zoie Moms—united, we thrive. About Zoie Health Zoie Health is at the forefront of women’s wellness, offering quality, affordable, and accessible supplements tailored to the unique health needs of women. With a focus on synergy, Zoie Health’s products are designed to work together, providing your body with the comprehensive support it needs to thrive. With our online Zoie Shop and Pharmacy, our unique virtual consultations, and vast communities of women, we strive to provide good quality healthcare to underserved populations. Sources:, TotsWorld


Safe Pain Relief During Pregnancy: What You Need to Know About Taking Painkillers While Pregnant

Zoie Health’s resident GP, Dr Caitlin Parker tells us all we need to know about taking painkillers during pregnancy. Pregnancy can be a rollercoaster of experiences, and one common issue many expectant moms face is figuring out how to safely manage pain and discomfort. It’s natural to want to make sure that any medicine taken during this special time is both effective and safe for your baby. One challenge with medications during pregnancy is the lack of extensive research. Testing drugs on pregnant or breastfeeding women is rare due to the possible risks involved. So, doctors often need to carefully consider the potential benefits of a medicine against any risks it might carry. Now, let’s explore the options for pain relief during pregnancy. Paracetamol: A Preferred Choice Paracetamol is often the first choice for pain relief during pregnancy. It works by calming pain signals in the body and brain. It’s great for common pains like headaches or muscle aches and is available in many forms, including tablets, liquid, and even fizzy tablets. It’s important to use paracetamol as directed, especially if you have liver issues. Also, taking too much can be harmful. NSAIDs: Use With Caution During Pregnancy NSAIDs, which include common drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen, help reduce pain by controlling inflammation. However, these drugs can affect important processes in foetal development, especially regarding certain blood vessels in the baby. This means they might be risky, particularly in the later stages of pregnancy. Generally, it’s best to avoid NSAIDs while pregnant, unless your doctor advises otherwise for specific reasons. Aspirin and Opioids: Think Carefully Aspirin is another pain reliever that falls into the NSAID category. Sometimes, in low doses and for certain conditions, doctors might prescribe it during pregnancy. But, like NSAIDs, it’s better to use it only if your doctor recommends it. Opioids are strong pain relievers but come with significant risks, like addiction and serious side effects. They are usually a last resort for severe pain during pregnancy and should always be used under a doctor’s supervision. The risks associated with opioids are higher in the later stages of pregnancy. Combination Painkillers: Be Mindful Many over-the-counter painkillers combine different types of pain relief in one pill. While this can be more convenient, it’s crucial to understand what’s in these combination drugs to avoid accidentally taking too much, especially if you’re also taking other medicines like cold or flu remedies. Alternatives to Medicine Besides medication, practices like breathing exercises and mindfulness can also help manage pain and stress during pregnancy in a safe way. In Summary Paracetamol is generally the safest option for pain relief during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But it’s always best to talk to your healthcare provider before taking any medicine. They can help you choose the safest and most effective options for your particular stage of pregnancy and health needs. Remember, we at Zoie are here to support you throughout your pregnancy. If you’re in pain and home remedies aren’t helping, or if you have any worries, please get in touch with us for personalized advice. Medical Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information provided herein, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, and other material, is general in nature and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. For any questions, queries or concerns, please contact Dr Caitlin at Sources: Dr Caitlin Parker.


Sleep 101: The A,B,C’s of Baby Sleep

Motherhood, often regarded as one of the most transformative experiences, is a beautiful mosaic of joy, discovery, and challenges. Among the myriad of new experiences, sleep – or the lack of it – for both the baby and the mother, takes center stage. Zoie Health recently  hosted a Sleep 101 Live Conversation on in the Zoie Mommies WhatsApp circle  to help new moms gain some insights on their baby’s sleeping patterns. We were joined by lactation specialist and midwife, Sister Katinka Lategan and baby sleep therapist, Janine Rudwick. Zoie Members joined and could ask these experts any questions they had about baby sleeping patterns. Dive into this comprehensive guide, enriched with insights from seasoned experts, to help you demystify the enigma of baby sleep. The Beauty of Sleep Sleep, the most rejuvenating of human experiences, holds paramount importance, especially for new mothers and their newborns. Apart from aiding in physical recovery after childbirth, sleep bolsters mental health, hormonal balance, and paves the way for a refreshed perspective on life’s new challenges and delights. Shop Sleep Essentials Here Sleep Regression: Beyond the Midnight Wailings Every parent has that moment when they believe they’ve cracked the code to their baby’s sleep, only to be met with sudden and unexplained midnight awakenings. Often termed as ‘sleep regression,’ this phase typically emerges around the three-month mark. The reasons can be multifaceted: The Embrace and Push of Separation Anxiety As babies grow, their world starts expanding beyond the cocoon of their mother’s embrace. Separation anxiety, especially noticeable in toddlers, reflects their budding independence and the internal conflict of wanting both proximity and exploration. The Great Debate: To Sleep Train or Not? Like many aspects of parenting, sleep training is a terrain filled with diverse opinions and methodologies. The heart of the matter is to choose what resonates most with your familial ethos. If you tread the path of sleep training, arm yourself with these pearls of wisdom: Motherhood and the Art of Self-care Motherhood is as much about nurturing oneself as it is about caring for the baby. Conclusion The tapestry of baby sleep is intricate, often interspersed with moments of doubt and discovery. Remember, as you traverse this path, you’re part of a global community of parents, all striving, learning, and growing together. To get more personalized tips or if you just want an expert’s advice, book a consultation with one of our sleep experts or healthcare professionals. Equipped with knowledge and an understanding heart, you’re more than prepared to foster a nurturing sleep sanctuary for your little one. Sources: Sr Katinka Lategan, Janine Rudwick, Pediatric Sleep Council

Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin

Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin: An Ultimate Guide

Whether you’re envisioning parenthood, expecting, or basking in the joys of new motherhood, your well-being matters. Enter our 3-in-1 Multivitamin, a Fertility, Pregnancy, and New Motherhood Supplement, now infused with the natural African ingredient moringa. Crafted by healthcare experts, this multivitamin is designed to accompany you through the phases of motherhood, from fertility to postpartum. Moringa, a nutritional gem, joins essential nutrients like folic acid, omega-3, and iron, providing holistic support. But we’re more than a supplement – with every purchase, you gain access to the Zoie Health community. Moringa and experts join forces to empower your journey. And here’s the best part: it’s yours for the special launch price of R249, valued at R349. We’ve collected all of the questions we have been asked, and provided easy to understand answers all in one place. Q1: Is the Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin safe for use during pregnancy? A: Yes, our Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin is designed with the specific needs of expectant mothers in mind. It includes essential nutrients like folic acid, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids that are important for the health of both you and your baby during pregnancy. However, it’s always a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen, especially during pregnancy. Q2: Can I take the Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin while breastfeeding? A: Absolutely! The nutrients in our Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin are beneficial for both you and your nursing baby. Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and choline can support your baby’s brain development, while other vitamins and minerals aid in your postpartum recovery. As with any supplement, it’s best to consult your healthcare provider before starting, especially if you have any specific health concerns. Q3: What sets the Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin apart from others on the market? A: Our Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin stands out for several reasons. First, it is developed by a team of healthcare experts, including gynaecologists, pharmacists, and dieticians, who understand the unique needs of women during different stages of motherhood. Second, our supplement is not just about nutrition – with every purchase, you gain free access to the Zoie Health community, connecting you with a team of health experts to guide you through your journey. Lastly, our commitment to giving back means that a portion of your purchase goes towards supporting important women’s causes. Q4: Can I take the Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin if I’m trying to conceive but not yet pregnant? A: Absolutely! In fact, our Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin is designed to support you during the preconception phase as well. Nutrients like folic acid and choline are important for healthy conception and early fetal development. By providing your body with the right nutrients during this crucial time, you’re giving yourself the best possible start on your motherhood journey. Q5: How long should I take the Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin for? A: The duration of supplement use can vary based on individual needs and circumstances. For those trying to conceive, it’s a good idea to start taking the supplement a few months before actively trying. During pregnancy, you can continue taking it under the guidance of your healthcare provider. Postpartum, you may choose to continue taking the Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin if it complements your nutritional needs. Remember, our team of experts is here to provide guidance at every step. Q6: Are there any allergens in the Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin? A: Our Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin is formulated to be free from common allergens such as gluten, dairy, and soy. However, it’s important to read the product label and ingredient list to ensure it is suitable for your specific dietary needs. Q7: What’s the recommended dosage of the Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin? A: The recommended dosage of our Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin is usually two capsules per day. However, individual needs can vary, so it’s a good idea to follow the dosage instructions on the product label or as advised by your healthcare provider. Taking the supplement consistently at the same time each day can help you establish a routine and make the most of its benefits. Q8: Can I take the Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin with other medications I’m currently on? A: If you’re currently taking any medications, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, including ours. Certain nutrients can interact with medications, and your healthcare provider can provide personalized guidance on how to incorporate the supplement safely into your regimen. Your health and well-being are our priority. You can book a consult with one of our Zoie doctors to get further advice. Q9: Is the Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin only for first-time mothers, or can it benefit those who have had multiple children? A: Our Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin is beneficial for women at all stages of their motherhood journey, regardless of whether they are first-time mothers or have had multiple children. The targeted nutrients in the supplement can support fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum recovery, making it suitable for a variety of situations. Every pregnancy and motherhood experience is unique, and our supplement is here to provide essential support no matter where you are on your journey.\ Remember, our customer support team is here to address any additional questions you may have about our Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin. Your journey is important to us, and we’re here to provide the information and support you need to make the best choices for your health and well-being. Embrace wellness, impact lives. Choose our Zoie Health 3-in-1 Multivitamin enriched with moringa. Click now to elevate your journey. (Note: Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.)

3-in-1 Fertility, Pregnancy, and New Motherhood Multivitamin

Empowering Your Motherhood Journey with Our 3-in-1 Fertility, Pregnancy, and New Motherhood Multivitamin, Enriched with Moringa

Are you dreaming of starting a family, currently expecting a little one, or already embracing the joys of new motherhood? No matter which stage of your motherhood journey you find yourself in, the right nutrition can make a world of difference. That’s where our revolutionary 3-in-1 Fertility, Pregnancy, and New Motherhood Multivitamin, enriched with the natural African ingredient moringa comes in. Crafted by leading healthcare experts, this powerful blend of essential nutrients is designed to support you throughout every step of your womanhood. Understanding the Importance of Proper Nutrition As women, our bodies go through incredible changes during different stages of life. From conception to pregnancy and postpartum, these transitions demand specific nutrients to support optimal health. Proper nutrition is not only vital for our well-being but also plays a crucial role in the development and well-being of our little ones. During the preconception phase, the right nutrients can enhance fertility, boost reproductive health, and prepare your body for a successful pregnancy. Throughout pregnancy, your nutrient needs increase to accommodate the growth and development of your baby. And after giving birth, the demands on your body continue as you nourish your newborn through breastfeeding. The Power of Our 3-in-1 Fertility, Pregnancy, and New Motherhood Multivitamin, Infused with Moringa Our 3-in-1 Multivitamin, now enriched with the natural African ingredient moringa, is the result of meticulous research and collaboration between gynaecologists, pharmacists, and dieticians. They have expertly curated a blend of essential nutrients tailored for each stage of your motherhood journey. Let’s explore some of the key ingredients and their benefits, including the remarkable properties of moringa: 1. Folic Acid (Vitamin B9): Vital during the preconception and early pregnancy stages, folic acid is essential for the development of the baby’s neural tube, which forms the brain and spinal cord. 2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These nourishing fats are crucial for brain development and cognitive function in both the foetus and the growing child. They also support the mother’s cardiovascular health. 3. Iron: During pregnancy, your body requires more iron to support increased blood volume and the growing baby. Iron deficiency can lead to anaemia, which may negatively impact both mother and baby. 4. Vitamin D3: Plays a critical role in the development of the baby’s bones and teeth. Additionally, vitamin D is essential for the mother’s immune system and overall well-being. 5. Choline: An essential nutrient that supports brain health and may help prevent neural tube defects during early pregnancy. 6. Magnesium: Helps alleviate muscle cramps and supports proper nerve function. It’s particularly important during pregnancy, as magnesium needs increase to aid in muscle relaxation. The Marvel of Moringa In addition to these vital nutrients, our multivitamin proudly incorporates moringa, a natural African ingredient known for its extraordinary health properties. Moringa is a nutritional powerhouse, rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It’s known to support energy levels, enhance immunity, and promote overall well-being. With moringa as part of our formula, you’re not just nourishing your body, but also connecting with the remarkable benefits of this African treasure. More Than Just a Supplement At Zoie Health, we believe that your well-being extends beyond nutrition. As part of our commitment to supporting you through your motherhood journey, we are excited to offer something extra special – free access to the Zoie Health community. The Zoie Health community is a vibrant and supportive space where you can connect with a team of health experts, including gynaecologists, nutritionists, and lactation consultants, who are ready to provide personalised support and guidance throughout your womanhood journey. We understand that navigating motherhood can be overwhelming at times, but with the Zoie Health community by your side, you can access reliable information, share experiences with other mothers, and find comfort and support during every step of your journey. More from Zoie Health In addition to our 3-in-1 Fertility, Pregnancy, and New Motherhood Multivitamin enriched with moringa, Zoie Health offers an array of services and products tailored to meet the unique needs of women: 1. Prenatal Nutrition Plans: Our certified nutritionists have designed comprehensive prenatal nutrition plans to support you during pregnancy, ensuring you and your baby receive the necessary nutrients for a healthy journey. 2. Postpartum Support: The postpartum period can be challenging, but with our postpartum support services, you’ll receive expert guidance and care to ease the transition into motherhood. 3. Lactation Consulting: Breastfeeding is a beautiful and essential part of motherhood. Our lactation consultants are available to address any breastfeeding concerns or questions you may have, ensuring a successful breastfeeding journey for you and your baby. Making a Difference Together At our core, we believe that every woman deserves access to proper nutrition and support during her motherhood journey. That’s why, with each purchase of our 3-in-1 Multivitamin enriched with moringa, we pledge to donate a portion of the proceeds to women’s NGOs that advocate for gender-based violence survivors, human trafficking survivors, and provide access to menstruation products for underprivileged girls. When you choose our supplement, you’re not only investing in your own well-being but also contributing to the betterment of other women’s lives. Together, we can make a positive impact and empower women to thrive in all aspects of their lives. Conclusion Motherhood is a transformative journey, and the right nutrition and support are essential for a smooth and healthy ride. Our 3-in-1 Fertility, Pregnancy, and New Motherhood Multivitamin, enriched with the natural African ingredient moringa is your go-to companion, packed with essential nutrients to nourish you from preconception through to postpartum. And with free access to the Zoie Health community, you’ll have a team of experts guiding you every step of the way. Choose our supplement today and experience the difference it can make in your motherhood journey. Join us in our mission to empower women, support important causes, and foster a community of strong and resilient mothers. (Note: As with any new supplement regimen, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting, particularly during pregnancy or when planning to conceive.)

Being a new mom is an amazing and overwhelming time, here's how you can support a new mom this Mother's Day.

How to celebrate and support a new mom with these 8 Mother’s Day ideas

Mother’s Day is a special day dedicated to celebrating the amazing women in our lives who have given us life, love, and support. For new moms, this day is especially meaningful, as they embark on a new journey of motherhood and care for their little ones. If you have a new mom in your life, you might be wondering how to celebrate and support her during this time. Here are some ideas for making her Mother’s Day extra special: Give her a break: Being a new mom can be exhausting, both physically and emotionally, and there are only so many hours in the day. Offer to watch her baby for a few hours so she can rest or do something she enjoys, like taking a bubble bath or reading a book. Being able to take some time out and just focus on herself will not only allow her to get some much needed time alone but will help her to recharge, helping her to be at her best for her and her precious newborn. Read more: 6 savvy tips to use when choosing a nanny Send her a thoughtful gift: During this time, the majority of the focus is understandably on the new baby and many friends and family members will be showering the little one with gifts and much needed baby items. By giving her a gift that’s just for mom, you can show her you how much you care about her. Consider something that will meaningful to her like a personalized piece of jewelry, a bouquet of her favourite flowers or a pampering spa kit. Add a special touch like a hand-written card will make the gift even more meaningful. It doesn’t need to be large or expensive, the meaning behind the gift is what will count most. Shop now: Zoie Health’s New Mom Collection Bring her a meal: Preparing meals can be a challenge for new moms who are adjusting to motherhood. Something simple that will have a massively positive impact will be having ready-made meals that she can pull out of her freezer to give to her family when she doesn’t have the time to cook from scratch. Preparing her a few nutritious and delicious meals and bringing them to her home will be an excellent way to support her through this transitional time and also make her feel loved by the gesture. Offer to run errands: Running errands can be a daunting task for new moms who are already trying to juggle so many aspects of their busy lives. Help relive some of the burden by offering to run a few errands for her. Whether it’s to grab some milk and bread at the grocery store, pick up a prescription at the pharmacy or drop off a return package at the post office. You can even offer to set up an online delivery for them so she won’t need to worry about running those errands again in the future. Shop now: Zoie Health’s Online Pharmacy By doing this, it takes the pressure off of her and allows her to focus more on spending that vital bonding time with the new baby. Listen and support her: Being a new mom can be overwhelming, and sometimes, all she needs is someone to talk to. Listening to her concerns and offering your support and encouragement can go a long way to help her feel supported and that her worries are being heard. Organize to time to sit done with the new mom, maybe over a cup of tea, so she knows her feelings are being prioritized. If you can’t do this in person due to schedule or distance, try arranging a video call with her instead. Read more: 5 tips to help new mothers manage their mental health Organize a virtual baby shower: A baby showers is a very special celebration for any new mom. Unfortunately, we are living in an time period where, due to expenses and busy schedules, many new moms are forgoing this milestone. If she wasn’t able to have a traditional baby shower, consider organizing a virtual baby shower for her. Invite her loved ones to participate in a group video call or send her gifts in the mail. Help her document memories: Time flies by so quickly when you’re a new mom. So many milestones happen in those first few months and they pass in the blink of an eye. Help her document memories by taking pictures of her and her baby or creating a scrapbook of her baby’s milestones. Not only does she get to keep these treasured memories for years to come, she also gets to be fully involved in the moment without constantly feeling the need to watch it all through a cellphone screen. Arrange for a professional photo shoot: A professional photo shoot is a great way to capture this special time in her life. Hiring a photographer to take beautiful pictures of the new mom and her baby is a wonderful to not only save those memories but to allow the new mom to feel beautiful and special. Professional photographers will often create amazing images that any new mom will love to have in a coffee table book or framed around their home. Celebrating and supporting a new mom over Mother’s Day is a great way to show her how much you care. Whether it’s offering her a break, sending her a thoughtful gift, or simply being there to listen and support her, your gestures will be appreciated and make her day extra special.

With the correct care and quick response time, postpartum bleeding can be effectively treated.

Understanding postpartum bleeding and what to expect

When you are bringing your baby into the world, many moms can experience issues after giving birth such as postpartum bleeding. While not every woman will experience this after giving birth, it is important to understand what postpartum bleeding is and what can be done about it so you are better informed and prepared just in case.   What is postpartum bleeding? Postpartum bleeding, also known as postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), is a complication that can happen to some mothers after going through childbirth. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), between 6-10% of women worldwide experience some form of postpartum bleeding after labour. A typically medical definition for postpartum bleeding is either: Postpartum bleeding needs to be treated immediately and correctly in order to protect the life and well-being of the mom.  Read more: Which is better, natural or c-section birth? What causes this?  During your pregnancy, the placenta attaches itself to the uterus and provides nutrients and oxygen to the growing baby. After you have given birth, your uterus needs to contract in order to stop any bleeding and ‘birth’ the placenta.  If the uterus does not contract effectively, the blood vessels in the area where the placenta was attached can continue to bleed, leading to postpartum bleeding. Delayed postpartum bleeding can happen up to 12 weeks after delivery. This later onset is usually caused by placental tissue remaining in the uterus or because of an infection that has developed. Shop now: Zoie Health’s New Mom Collection Why does this happen?  There are several factors that can increase the risk of postpartum bleeding. These can including: There is a correlation between women who experience postpartum bleeding having a higher risk of also experiencing postpartum depression. What can be done to manage this?  Timely and effective treatment is extremely important when it comes to managing postpartum bleeding. The first step is for your birthing team to figure out the amount of blood that has been lost as well as to determine what the cause of bleeding is.  The following interventions may be used: Other types of treatment can be used to help mothers dealing with postpartum bleeding after it has occurred. Blood transfusions are sometimes needed to help replace the loss of blood and to speed up recovery. How can you prepare? To prevent postpartum bleeding, healthcare providers may give medications or other interventions during labor and delivery, such as medications to induce contractions in the uterus or using controlled cord traction. This is when the umbilical cord is pulled on gently to order to help deliver the placenta after the baby has been born. When it comes to postpartum bleeding, quick and effective treatment is vital. Talk to your birthing team and discuss how you would like to deal with this type of issue should the need arise. Your team will help you make the best and most appropriate decisions for you and your baby. Having this as a part of your birth plan not only allows for rapid response from your team but also gives you a sense of empowerment to know that you are prepared and informed. Read more: Preparing for childbirth? This is the ultimate checklist Before, during and after labour, always consult with your healthcare professionals and birthing team to understand all your options and to make sure you receive the correct care at the right time. To book a virtual online consultation with our Zoie Health professionals, click here. Sources: Zoie Health professionals, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists