Understanding your child’s developmental milestones is a crucial aspect of parenting. These milestones are the skills and abilities that most children can do by a certain age, such as taking their first step, smiling for the first time, or waving “bye-bye.” Children reach developmental milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act, and move, offering important clues about their developmental health.

Why Developmental Milestones Matter?
Reaching developmental milestones at typical ages indicates that a child is developing as expected. If a child reaches developmental milestones much earlier, it may suggest they are advanced compared to their peers. Conversely, not reaching developmental milestones or reaching them much later than children of the same age can be an early sign of developmental delays. These delays might indicate a need for extra support and services to help the child reach their full potential.
Key Domains of Development:
Developmental milestones are categorised into several domains:
This domain involves how children interact with others and show emotions. Examples include smiling at people, playing with others, and showing empathy.
This domain covers how children express their needs, share their thoughts, and understand what is said to them. Milestones include babbling, saying their first words, and following simple directions.
Cognitive (Learning, Thinking, Problem-Solving):
This domain focuses on how children learn new things and solve problems. It includes activities like exploring the environment, recognising objects, and understanding cause and effect.
Movement/Physical Development:
This domain encompasses how children use their bodies. Milestones include sitting up, crawling, walking, and developing fine motor skills like grasping objects.

Overlapping Developmental Milestones:
Some developmental milestones fit into more than one domain. For instance, pretending to be something else during play can be both a social/emotional and cognitive milestone. Similarly, following directions can be a language/communication and cognitive milestone.
Monitoring Your Child’s Developmental Milestones:
Tracking developmental milestones is essential to understand a child’s development and behaviour. By observing and noting these milestones, parents and caregivers can determine whether a child’s development is on track. Developmental progress is not always steady and can be influenced by significant life events, such as the birth of a sibling. Monitoring milestones over time provides a better basis to judge if there is a cause for concern.
Typical Developmental Milestones at Different Ages:
Birth to 18 Months:
- Cognitive: Shows interest in objects and human faces, brings hands to mouth, looks for hidden things.
- Social/Emotional: Smiles at people, responds to facial expressions, may cry around strangers.
- Language: Begins to coo, babbles, says first words.
- Movement: Lifts head, sits up without support, crawls, walks holding onto surfaces.
18 Months to 2 Years:
- Cognitive: Identifies familiar things, follows single-step requests, plays pretend games.
- Social/Emotional: Recognises self in mirror, may help with tasks, enjoys play dates.
- Language: Knows several words, follows simple directions, uses two-word phrases.
- Movement: Begins to run, eats with a spoon, drinks from a cup.
3 to 5 Years:
- Cognitive: Can put together simple puzzles, draws stick figures, understands the order of processes.
- Social/Emotional: Shows empathy, offers affection, plays with others.
- Language: Talks in sentences, understands rhymes, tells stories.
- Movement: Walks up and down stairs, runs and jumps with ease, uses scissors.
School Age (6-17 Years):
- Cognitive: Completes multi-step instructions, develops logical thinking, understands figurative language.
- Social/Emotional: Cooperates with others, develops friendships, shows empathy.
- Language: Reads at grade level, follows written instructions, speaks fluently.
- Movement: Participates in sports, develops physical skills, manages personal grooming.
What to Do if You Have Concerns About Developmental Milestones:
If you’re concerned about your child’s developmental milestones, talk to a healthcare professional. Doctors can screen for developmental delays using validated tools and provide referrals to specialists if needed. Early intervention is crucial for addressing developmental issues effectively.

Every child grows and develops at their own pace. Understanding and tracking developmental milestones can help ensure that children are developing healthily and can guide parents in providing the support their child needs. Strong parent-child bonds, good nutrition, adequate sleep, and a nurturing environment at home and school will help children thrive.
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Sources: CHOC, Child Mind Institute